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State Of The City reports
One year of Israel's Gaza Genocide parts 1-4
 Bristol Broadband Co-operative  Contact Contributor
Oct. 11, 2024, midnight
– One year of Israel’s Gaza Genocide parts 1-4
– Trump a ‘shoe-in’, winning black vote, now leading in some Democrat states
– Annie Machon and David Shayler MI5 whistleblowers.
– Decriminalisation of drugs. Ken Mc Callum, new MI5/6 chief, on the continuing threat in Northern Ireland.
– Mark Honingsbaum, journalist, podcast saying ‘bombs were underneath underground trains’ and that tubes’ ‘floor tiles were flipped up, bent up
– The Alternative Skripal Narrative by Michael Antony for The Saker Blog Let’s take the famous Nina Ricci perfume bottle, laced with novichok
– Not created by Russian scientists but taken from a throat spray made in Czechoslovakia by an Israeli pharmaceuticals company called Teva, part-owned by Pfizer.
– The no 1 terrorists in the UK are the Met Police Anti-Terror branch and MI5 according to Martin and Tony
– Neil Basu, top guy on counter terrorism policing, on LBC – 7/7, Skripal affair. Police chief defends Met vetting process after Neo-Nazi former officer jailed
– Russian embassy rejects MI5 claims about alleged Russian sabotage Director of MI5, Ken McCallum, “clearly aimed at sustaining the ebbing public support for the Kiev regime
– Is MI5 DG Ken Mc Callum himself a terrorist, being is above the law? – how dangerous is that? National Security Act. MI5 can authorise informants to commit murder
– Alleged Russian arson and sabotage in UK…. Counter-terrorism police are investigating a fire at a Ukraine-linked business premises #
– Ken McCallum on supposed Russian and Iranian terror plots in UK. Iran has strongly rejected claims made by the UK’s MI5 spy chief, Ken McCallum
– Iran Rejects UK Spy Chief’s Claims Of Disrupting Lethal Plots
– Iran’s morality police will not ‘bother’ women, president says Mahsa Amini arrested for not wearing a hijab in Iran and dies in custody.
– Mark Fairhurst, General Secretary of Prison Officers Association, on how to fix prison problem. Crisis measures to tackle English prison overcrowding imminent, says union
– ‘Murder Pod’ developed for ‘assisted dying’. Several arrested after woman dies in ‘suicide pod’ The latest model of the device – known as the Sarco
– Ian Hilpus, former investigator on That’s Life! TV show, on working with Esther Rantzen, who is now ironically promoting assisted dying.
Dame Esther Rantzen reveals she is considering going to Dignitas if her lung cancer worsens: Childline founder, 83
– Assisted suicide could be voted on before Christmas as Labour MP launches bill
– MAJOR GAP IN THE PROVISION OF PALLIATIVE CARE SERVICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM The introduction of the Bill comes as many elderly people go into winter with their Winter Fuel Payment cut by the Government
– Dr David Halpin: Covid Jab Caused Queens Bone Cancer? Dying Young, Mechanistic modern End Of Life care , How Covid Jabs Kill
– ‘Unusual’ cancers emerged after the pandemic. Doctors ask if covid is to blame
– The Police Spies That Ruined Our Lives’ documentary. State sanctioned rape For over 40 years, a secret organization spied on British citizens
– New Spycops Inquiry delay is ‘pandering to the abusers’ as ‘timescales keep slipping’ The Undercover Policing Inquiry
– One year of Israel’s Gaza Genocide 1: The Resistance Chronicles – Huda gives a witness statement of what it’s like being in Gaza at the moment.
– One year of Israel’s Gaza Genocide 2: ‘I’m so scared, please come’: Heartbreaking final moments of girl Hind Rajab, 5, murdered by the IDF
– One year of Israel’s Gaza Genocide 3: Piers Morgan interviewing Low Key – Murdch bias exposed, they disagree on events of October 7.
– One year of Israel’s Gaza Genocide 4: BBC Today Debate about Middle East peace. The Today Debate: What is the path to peace in the Middle East?
– Don DeBar, journalist, Trump will probably win the US presidential election, if he survives assassination. Election fraud
– Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on how ineffective UN is.
– Attempt to defeat Russia a ‘suicidal escapade’, Lavrov warns Ukraine and the West Ukraine’s hope of defeating Russia on the battlefield is senseless
– NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
Part One – Local and National News Review

MI5, MI6 – Annie Machon and David Shayler whistleblowers. Decriminalisation of drugs. Ken Mc Callum, new MI5/6 chief, on the continuing threat in Northern Ireland.Russia’s GRU seeking to cause ‘mayhem’ in Britain and Europe, UK spy chief says LONDON, Oct 8 (Reuters) – Russia’s GRU military intelligence service is seeking to cause “mayhem” across Britain and Europe, the UK’s domestic spy chief said on Tuesday, while a growing threat from resurgent al Qaeda and Islamic State was his greatest terrorism concern. In a wide-ranging speech outlining the current threat picture, Security Service (MI5) Director General Ken McCallum also accused Iran of being behind “plot after plot” on British soil. McCallum said state threat investigations were up 48% in the last year as Russia and Iran turned to criminals, drug traffickers and proxies to carry out their “dirty work”. “It will be clear to you that MI5 has one hell of a job on its hands,” he said. Since March 2017, he said MI5 and the British police had disrupted 43 late-stage plots, some of which were in the final days of planning for mass murder. The terrorist trend which the spy chief said concerned him most was a worsening threat from al Qaeda seeking to capitalise on the conflict in the Middle East, and especially Islamic State, which had resumed efforts to export terrorism, such as the March attack on a Moscow concert hall. Events in the Middle East had not yet translated at scale into militant violence at home, he said. “We are powerfully alive to the risk that events in the Middle East directly trigger terrorist action in the UK,” he said, citing an incident where a Moroccan man stabbed to death a passer-by in northern England in what he said was revenge for Israeli actions in Gaza.
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Mark Honingsbaum, journalist, podcast saying ‘bombs were underneath underground trains’ and that tubes’ ‘floor tiles were flipped up, bent up’ straight after 7/7 London bombings, on witness statements. 8th July 2005 Honingsbaum article – ‘not everything I submit as copy ends up in the next day’s newspaper’ article said bombs were inside train.

The Alternative Skripal Narrative by Michael Antony for The Saker Blog Let’s take the famous Nina Ricci perfume bottle, laced with novichok, which was found in a rubbish bin or charity bin by a homeless man and given weeks later to his woman friend, who tragically died after spraying it on her wrist. The police/MI6 narrative is that this perfume bottle was used to transport the novichok from Russia in the baggage of one of the alleged GRU men caught on CCTV in Salisbury. The novichok was then sprayed on the door handle of the Skripals’ house. The assassins then callously threw away the bottle (which they knew contained enough novichok to kill more people) in a dustbin or charity bin, demonstrating their indifference to loss of life as well as their indifference to leaving clues all over the place. There are problems with this narrative. The homeless man claimed he had found the perfume bottle still in its box sealed in cellophane, proof it was not reopened after it had been laced with novichok and professionally repackaged. The bottle could not therefore have been used (as claimed) to spray the novichok on the doorknob, or the cellophane seal would have been broken. Assassins far from home don’t usually carry around cellophane-wrapping machines to repackage opened perfume bottles, especially when they are just going to chuck them in the bin. Nor would they take the risk, having fitted the separate spray nozzle onto the bottle and sprayed the doorknob, of disassembling it again to put it back in the box, knowing that a drop on their skin would kill them. And where would they perform this delicate operation? On the street? This poisoned perfume bottle was therefore never reopened, never used and it affected nobody until it ended up in the hands of the homeless man. So who or what was it intended for?
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As an aside: the nozzle on the bottle was almost certainly not created by Russian scientists (as was claimed by “expert” Hamish de-Bretton Gordon) but taken from a throat spray made in Czechoslovakia by an Israeli pharmaceuticals company called Teva, part-owned by Pfizer.

The no 1 terrorists in the UK are the Met Police Anti-Terror branch and MI5 according to Martin and Tony – Neil Basu, top guy on counter terrorism policing, on LBC – 7/7, Skripal affair. Police chief defends Met vetting process after Neo-Nazi former officer jailed Ben Hannam, 22, was found guilty of being a member of banned right-wing extremist group National Action. A counter-terrorism chief has defended the vetting process for Metropolitan Police officers after a former officer was jailed for belonging to a neo-Nazi group. Metropolitan Police Assistant Commissioner Neil Basu spoke of being “shocked and betrayed” after Ben Hannam, 22, was jailed for more than four years for being a member of banned extremist group National Action (NA). However, Mr Basu, National Police Chiefs Council lead for counter terrorism policing, denied the force’s vetting procedure was the problem, saying that Hannam would not have been caught if background checks had been more rigorous. He told Times Radio: “When I found out about this case, when we originally identified him, I was as shocked and betrayed as the tens of thousands of decent police officers all over the country will have felt when they saw the sentence today. “This is not a man who represents us, and it was a significant sentence and a pretty stark warning for anybody who’s interested in right-wing extremism and this kind of filth, let alone a serving police officer.” He went on to say: “No vetting process is 100%, the judge recognised the vetting process wasn’t to blame here, in this particular case, it can’t be 100%.” Mr Basu said it would be “foolish” for him to say vetting procedures are not being reviewed nationally because of the case….

Russian embassy rejects MI5 claims about alleged Russian sabotage The Scare Tactics Director of MI5, Ken McCallum, “are clearly aimed at sustaining the ebbing public support for the Kiev regime which is quickly draining the UK’s finances and arsenals,” the embassy added LONDON, October 8. /TASS/. Director of MI-5 Ken McCallum’s remarks about alleged Russian sabotage acts in Europe are baseless, the Russian embassy in London said in a statement. “The Russian Embassy emphatically rejects the unsubstantiated allegations by Director of MI-5 Ken McCallum,” reads the statement, posted on the embassy’s Telegram channel. “By virtue of his profession Mr McCallum is well aware that the Russian Federation is the real target of proxy and mercenary warfare as well as hostile intelligence operations, conducted in the context of the Ukraine crisis by NATO countries, including the UK.” “The scare tactics he seeks to employ are clearly aimed at sustaining the ebbing public support for the Kiev regime which is quickly draining the UK’s finances and arsenals,” the embassy added. Earlier, McCallum accused Russian special services of a plot to create chaos in Europe, including the United Kingdom. He explained it by his country’s active support to the Kiev government, together with other allies.

Is MI5 DG Ken Mc Callum himself a terrorist, being is above the law? – how dangerous is that? National Security Act. MI5 can authorise informants to commit murder, kidnap and torture A tribunal has ruled the policy is lawful A controversial policy which allows MI5 to authorise informants to commit serious criminal offences – potentially including murder, kidnap and torture – is lawful, a tribunal has ruled. But the Investigatory Powers Tribunal (IPT) said “this does not mean that (MI5) has any power to confer immunity from liability under either the criminal law or the civil law”. Four human rights organisations took legal action against the Government over a policy they claimed “purports to permit (MI5) agents to participate in crime” and effectively “immunises criminal conduct from prosecution”. Privacy International, Reprieve, the Committee on the Administration of Justice, and the Pat Finucane Centre asked the IPT to declare the policy unlawful and grant an injunction “restraining further unlawful conduct”. But, in a ruling on Friday, the tribunal ruled by a 3-2 majority that MI5, also known as the Security Service, does have the power to authorise the commission of criminal offences by informants. In the majority ruling, IPT president Lord Justice Singh said MI5 has “an implied power” under the Security Service Act 1989 “to engage in the activities which are the subject of the policy under challenge”.

Alleged Russian arson and sabotage in UK… Two men charged over alleged Russia-linked arson plot. Counter-terrorism police are investigating a fire at a Ukraine-linked business premises Two more men have been charged in relation to an alleged arson attack against a Ukraine-linked business in London, taking the total number of suspects to seven. It comes after two British men were charged in April with helping a foreign intelligence service in relation to a large fire which broke out at an industrial estate in Leyton in March. It is understood the foreign country in question is Russia. On Saturday, the Metropolitan Police said Jakeem Barrington Rose, 22, and Ugnius Asmena, 19, had been charged with aggravated arson. Neither are accused of ties to Russian intelligence. They were arrested on Thursday and appeared in court earlier on Saturday. Mr Asmena, of no fixed address, was born in Lithuania and has previously unsuccessfully applied for EU Settled status, the court was told. Mr Rose, of Croydon, also faces two charges of possessing a knife. Neither was asked to enter a plea during the short hearing. Earlier this year, Dylan Earl and Jake Reeves were charged with National Security Act offences in relation to the fire, becoming the first two people to be prosecuted under the new law. The legislation is designed to crack down on alleged espionage, sabotage and foreign interference. Mr Earl is accused of planning to target the business, as well as attempting to recruit individuals to materially assist a foreign intelligence service, undertaking fraudulent activity and arson. Mr Reeves is accused of accepting money knowing that it was from a foreign intelligence service. Three other suspects – Dmitrijus Paulauska, Paul English and Kojo Mensah – have previously been charged with lesser offences not linked to national security legislation.

Ken McCallum on supposed Russian and Iranian terror plots in UK. Iran has strongly rejected claims made by the UK’s MI5 spy chief, Ken McCallum, who alleged that 20 potentially lethal plots backed by Iran were disrupted in Britain since January 2022.

Iran Rejects UK Spy Chief’s Claims Of Disrupting Lethal Plots | Dawn News English Iran’s morality police will not ‘bother’ women, president says Mahsa Amini arrested for not wearing a hijab in Iran and dies in custody.

Ken Mc Callum on China. Recruitment to MI5/6.

Mark Fairhurst, General Secretary of Prison Officers Association, on how to fix prison problem. Crisis measures to tackle English prison overcrowding imminent, says union POA chair says ministers could declare as soon as Monday that Operation Early Dawn is coming into force The launch of an emergency plan to avoid prison overcrowding in England could be announced as soon as Monday, the Prison Officers’ Association has said. The longstanding measure, known as Operation Early Dawn, would allow defendants to be held in police cells until prison beds became available and could mean their court dates are delayed or adjourned at short notice. Mark Fairhurst, the national chairman of the POA, said the measure risked “clogging up police cells” and he blamed rioters for increasing the pressure on prisons. The Observer revealed over the weekend that the prison operation was expected to start this week, having also been used for several days in March, when prison capacity hit critical levels. Fairhurst told BBC Radio 4’s Broadcasting House on Sunday: “Last week we had the biggest influx of new receptions I’ve seen for quite some time. We had 397 new receptions. As of Friday we only had 340 spaces left in the adult closed male estate, which is feeling the most pressure. “I wouldn’t be surprised if at some point tomorrow morning the Ministry of Justice would announce that Operation Early Dawn kicks in to play at some point next week, probably Tuesday onwards. “The pinch points at the moment are the north-east and the north-west, so it’s likely that if you commit an offence in those areas you will be carted 100, 200 miles away from home to serve your sentence because there’s simply very few spaces.” An internal document said prison escort staff would make assessments each day to check how many people being held by police could be taken to scheduled court hearings, be released on bail or have their cases delayed. Operation Early Dawn was last triggered by the Conservative government in May.

‘Murder Pod’ developed for ‘assisted dying’. Several arrested after woman dies in ‘suicide pod’ The latest model of the device – known as the Sarco – was displayed in Zurich in July Police in Switzerland made multiple arrests after a woman reportedly ended her life using a so-called suicide pod, in apparently the first case of its kind. Police in the Schaffhausen region said they arrested “several persons” on suspicion of inciting, and aiding and abetting suicide after she died reportedly by using a pod made by the company Sarco on Monday. While assisted dying is legally protected in some circumstances in Switzerland, it is strictly regulated and the Sarco pod has encountered opposition. Officers recovered the device and body at the scene. The company behind the controversial pod says it can be solely operated by the person seeking to end their own life, without medical supervision. Police said it was used on Monday at a forest hut in the Merishausen area, a sparsely populated part of Switzerland on the German border. Police said they were tipped off by a law firm about a suicide involving the device. The number of people arrested and their identities were not disclosed. The deceased also was not named. In July, a pro-assisted dying group, which promotes the Sarco device, said it anticipated that it would be used for the first time this year. Advocates say it provides an option not reliant on drugs ordoctors, and that it expands access to euthanasia as the portable device can be 3D-printed and assembled at home. However, there also has been opposition in Switzerland, despite the country having some of the world’s most protective laws surrounding assisted dying. Critics fear the device’s modern design glamorises suicide and the fact that it can be operated without medical oversight is concerning. Assisted dying is illegal in the UK and in most other European countries, but thousands have travelled to Switzerland over the years to end their own lives….

Ian Hilpus, former investigator on That’s Life TV show, on why Jimmy Saville wasn’t outed sooner, and working with Esther Rantzen, who is now promoting assisted dying. Dame Esther Rantzen reveals she is considering going to Dignitas if her lung cancer worsens: Childline founder, 83, says she doesn’t want family to see her have a ‘bad death’ which would ‘obliterate the happy times’ – Assisted suicide could be voted on before Christmas as Labour MP launches bill An assisted suicide Bill will be introduced in the House of Commons this month making it very likely that MPs will have a vote on assisted suicide before Christmas. Labour MP Kim Leadbeater, who came first in the Private Members’ Bill ballot, announced yesterday that she would be introducing an assisted suicide Bill could be voted on before Christmas. Though details of the Bill have not yet been released reports suggest it is likely to be similar to Lord Falconer’s assisted suicide Bill in the House of Lords, which is his seventh attempt to change the law on assisted suicide. The announcement comes after it was reported that the Prime Minister was behind the Government approaching Labour MPs high up in the Private Members’ Bill ballot encouraging them to take forward a Bill on assisted suicide.

MAJOR GAP IN THE PROVISION OF PALLIATIVE CARE SERVICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM The introduction of the Bill comes as many elderly people go into winter with their Winter Fuel Payment cut by the Government, as palliative care services are in crisis with 100,000 people dying each year needing palliative care but not receiving it, and a wider healthcare system also in a state of crisis, with Labour’s own Health Secretary describing the NHS as “broken”. According to Marie Curie’s Better End of Life Report 2024 “It is estimated that each year across the UK, 100,000 people die needing palliative care but not receiving it. People with lower socio-economic position, non-cancer diagnoses, and from ethnic minority groups are less likely to access high-quality palliative care”. According to Hospice UK, the UK hospice sector is facing a collective estimated deficit of £77 million in the financial year 2023-24. Demand for palliative care is set to increase. In 20 years’ time, there are expected to be 100,000 more people dying each year in the United Kingdom. Analysis by Marie Curie shows that by 2048, the number of people with palliative care needs in the UK will climb by more than 147,000 to over 730,000. Matthew Reed, chief executive of Marie Curie said the findings from the survey show that “care for dying people is in crisis”. A YouGov poll commissioned by King’s College London shows that 65% of the general population are worried about access to palliative and end-of-life care and 41% think there is too little NHS resource allocated to palliative care. PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES AND DOCTORS OPPOSED TO ASSISTED SUICIDE No major disability advocate groups in the UK – including Disability Rights UK, Scope and Not Dead Yet – support a change in the law to introduce assisted suicide or euthanasia. Polling commissioned by Scope showed that the majority of people with disabilities (64%) – including nearly three-quarters (72%) of young disabled people – are concerned about moves to legalise assisted suicide. Nearly two-thirds (62%) of people with disabilities who were concerned about a change in the law were worried that pressure would be put on disabled people to end their lives prematurely. No doctors’ groups in the UK support changing the law to introduce assisted suicide or euthanasia, including the British Medical Association, the Royal College of General Practitioners, the Royal College of Physicians, the British Geriatric Society, and the Association for Palliative Medicine. In particular, there is strong opposition to introducing assisted suicide from doctors who specialise in working with people with incurable conditions at the end of their life. A survey of palliative care doctors who are members of the Association for Palliative Medicine found that 82% oppose the introduction of assisted suicide. The results of the Association for Palliative Medicine survey have been mirrored in a more recent survey of doctors by the British Medical Association, which found that 83% of palliative care doctors oppose a change in the law to introduce assisted suicide, while only 6% supported such a change.

Dr David Halpin: Covid Jab Caused Queens Bone Cancer? Dying Young, End Of Life, How Covid Jabs Kill. David Halpin, former surgeon, on NHS becoming mechanistic nowadays, health problems associated with Covid jabs, and why they happen. ‘Unusual’ cancers emerged after the pandemic. Doctors ask if covid is to blame. It’s not a new idea that viruses can cause or accelerate cancer. But it will probably be years before answers emerge about covid and cancer. “I’ve been in practice 23 years and have never seen anything like this,” Patel, CEO of Carolina Blood and Cancer Care Associates, later recalled. Asutosh Gor, another oncologist, agreed: “We were all shaken.” There was other weirdness, too: multiple patients contending with multiple types of cancer arising almost simultaneously, and more than a dozen new cases of other rare cancers. Increasingly, Patel was left with an unsettling thought: Could the coronavirus be inflaming the embers of cancer? The uptick in aggressive, late-stage cancers since the dawn of the pandemic is confirmed by some early national data and a number of large cancer institutions. Many experts have mostly dismissed the trend as an expected consequence of disruptions to health care that began in 2020. The group’s loosely affiliated members are launching research studies that are trying to piece together the puzzle of coronavirus infection, long covid and cancer. Wallace — the University of Pennsylvania scientist considered a father of the field of human mitochondrial genetics, which explores the power plants that fuel human cells — is researching how covid affects energy production in cells and how that might influence cancer vulnerability. Separately, biodata experts are sequencing the gene profiles of organs from people who succumbed to covid and underwent autopsies. And a University of Colorado team is studying whether covid reawakens dormant cancer cells in mice. Their provocative findings, according to a preprint report released in April, showed that when mice that were cancer survivors were infected with SARS-CoV-2, dormant cancer cells proliferated in the lungs. They saw similar results with the flu virus. Pathologists from the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences reported in 2021 in the journal Communications Biology that SARS-CoV-2 proteins fueled the replication of a herpesvirus considered one of the major viruses leading to cancer. Other studies have implicated the coronavirus in helping to stimulate dormant breast cancer cells. A paper published in 2023 in the journal Biochimie explored mechanisms the coronavirus could exploit to aggravate several forms of cancer, including lung, colorectal, pancreatic and oral. Researchers suggested the most likely pathway was through disrupting the body’s ability to suppress tumors, but researchers acknowledged a lack of direct evidence to support the theory.

The Police Spies That Ruined Our Lives’ documentary. Canary – Undercover police inquiry taking too long State sanctioned rape For over 40 years, a secret organization spied on British citizens. This secret organization infiltrated over 1000 groups they wanted to spy on. To achieve this, they created new personas by stealing the identities of dead children. They used these new personalities to start relationships with women. They also used their new identities to have sex with women and In some cases, they even had children. Then once they had what they wanted, they abandoned the women and vanished without trace. The women wouldn’t find out the truth until decades later. ?The men were in fact, undercover police officers who were infiltrating completely lawful groups.? “They believed, and probably still believe that if you hold certain ideals and ideas, then you ought to be spied on. It’s straight out of George Orwell. It’s straight out of 20th century totalitarianism. The British have never been caught out on it until now, but they’re doing exactly the same sort of thing.” When their activities were exposed, rather than taking immediate action, the government ordered an inquiry, which was to be held in secret, and the identities of 140 undercover spies were hidden. The women decided it was time to fight back.? “Had I known that he was an undercover police officer at the time, it would’ve had a devastating effect on me and I would’ve regarded it as rape. He was wearing a mask. I didn’t know who he was. I wouldn’t have consented to have sex with this man. So in that sense, it’s non-consensual. It’s state sanctioned rape.” “The spies who ruined our lives” is a not for profit feature length documentary film, Produced, Directed and edited by Justyn Jones and Madoc Roberts with Jason Kirkpatrick as associate producer . It has been made to raise awareness and give a comprehensive and historical perspective of the Spycops scandal.

New Spycops Inquiry delay is ‘pandering to the abusers’ as ‘timescales keep slipping’ The Undercover Policing Inquiry was due to restart this week. But authorities have postponed it yet again. In a Campaign Opposing Police Surveillance (COPS) press release, the group said “the latest delays are symptoms of fundamental problems” with what has turned the Spycops Inquiry into “one of the longest public inquiries in UK history”. The massive scandal of decades of anti-left political policing As Madoc Roberts, one of the film-makers behind the Spies Who Ruined Our Lives documentary, previously told the Canary: unless you joined all the dots together, you wouldn’t have known that this was political policing, until you discover that it’s 1,000 groups and that all the groups just happened to be left-wing. He also insisted about Spycops: I think it is one of the biggest scandals that we’ve seen. But the irony of it all is it just gets treated as ‘a story for today, a story for this week’, and then it’s dropped again and then it’s dropped again. Yet it started in 1968, and we’re only getting to know about it in the last 10 years or so. It’s a massive scandal. A lack of resources, and a lack of time for Spycops Inquiry As COPS explained in its press release about the latest Spycops Inquiry delay: Established in 2014 with completion promised by 2017, it took the UCPI until 2020 to hear the first evidence. Four years later, it is not half way through evidential hearings, and doubts are mounting that the UCPI can even fulfill its Terms of Reference. It continued by insisting that: The Inquiry’s internal disorder is such that disclosure remains unfinished and timetables are yet to be published for the next hearings.
Videos of complete show – Essentials: Michael Hudson | Blackrock/Vanguard | Tony on Brexit & The Traitors of Arnhem | Evolution | War between God & Lucifer | Plan for three World Wars | Nuclear Armed IDF Doomsday Cult | Aanirfan | Armageddonists I have known: Nick Land (1975-8) | George Monbiot (1995-8) | Manna for the Revelation Generation: CONSPIRACY CLASSICS, longer interviews/lectures
Part Two – International news review, Accelerationist, Armageddonist reports and investigations

One year of Israel’s Gaza Genocide 1: The Resistance Chronicles – Huda gives a witness statement of what it’s like being in Gaza at the moment. The Israeli Media “Exposed” for their Lies Noa Argamani, an Israeli woman freed from Hamas captivity in Gaza in June, said on Friday that her injuries were caused by an Israeli air strike during her rescue operation, not by a Hamas attack. Speaking to diplomats from G7 countries in Tokyo on Wednesday, Argamani detailed her ordeal after she was taken captive by Palestinian armed groups during the 7 October attack. However, two days later, she issued a statement on Instagram, saying that some of her remarks had been misquoted and taken out of context. Contrary to some Israeli media reports, Argamani clarified that she was not beaten or had her hair shaved by Palestinian fighters. Through her Instagram page, Argamani clarified that the Qassam Brigades did not harm her physically or cut her hair, but she sustained injuries when a wall collapsed during an Israeli airstrike. “I cannot stay silent about what the Israeli media has done to me over the past 24 hours, taking my words out of context,” she stated, adding: “I am a victim of the October 7 operation, and I refuse to be victimized again by the Israeli media.” Argamani explained that Al-Qassam members “did not hit me while I was in captivity, nor did they cut my hair.”

One year of Israel’s Gaza Genocide 2: ‘I’m so scared, please come’: Heartbreaking final moments of girl Hind Rajab, 5, killed in Gaza A year on from the start of the war, many have questioned the IDF’s alleged targeting and negligent killing of civilians. Judging Freedom – Whitehouse press spokesmen dismissing questions about Hind Rajab’s murder by Israelis. Sky News report on killing of Hind Rajab and others in car in Gaza, and then blowing up of ambulance. Among them is the mother of five-year-old girl Hind Rajab. Buried in Gaza’s rubble are the forgotten victims of this war, and with them are buried the stories of how they were killed. A year on from the start of the war, many have questioned the IDF’s alleged targeting and negligent killing of civilians in its conflict with Hamas. Among those calling for justice is a mother whose young daughter was killed in an incident that shocked the world. Sky News investigates slaughter of Palestinian family fleeing fighting | Israel-Hamas War Sky’s Stuart Ramsay tells the story of Hind Rajab, a five-year-old Palestinian girl who was killed with her family as she tried to flee fighting in Gaza. The family’s car was attacked, killing the adults inside. Hind and her 15-year-old cousin survived, before the vehicle was attacked again. An ambulance that went to help the girls was also attacked, killing two paramedics. Israel denied its military was in the area, but a Sky News investigation tells a different story.

One year of Israel’s Gaza Genocide 3: Piers Morgan interviewing Low Key – they disagree on events of October 7. British rapper Lowkey’s music has been entwined with activism since he first picked up a mic, and true to form, he joins Piers Morgan Uncensored with political fire in his belly. Openly anti-Zionist and pro-Palestine, Lowkey lays the blame for the ongoing conflict in the Middle East squarely at the feet of Israel. Piers Morgan counters, saying that both Hamas and Hezbollah are fully committed to the destruction of the Jewish state, and their attacks would inevitably draw an IDF response. Piers then brings in Lebanese-American terror commentator Brigitte Gabriel, who claims that Israel had always wanted peace, and withdrew from Gaza in 2005. Lowkey is shocked by her statement that “Palestinians have brought this on themselves”, and directly accuses her organisation ACT for America of accepting funding from organisations that invest in illegal settlements in the West Bank. 

One year of Israel’s Gaza Genocide 4: BBC Today Debate about Middle East peace. The Today Debate: What is the path to peace in the Middle East? Released On: 15 Oct 2024 Today presenter Mishal Husain is joined by a panel of guests to ask is there a path to peace in the Middle East? Joining Mishal are Jeremy Bowen, the BBC’s International Editor; Lord Ricketts, who served as a British diplomat for many years including being on the Foreign office Middle East desk during Israel’s invasion of Lebanon in 1982; Afif Safieh, former Palestinian Head of Mission in London, Washington, D.C. and Moscow; Ehud Olmert, who was Israeli Prime Minister from 2006 to 2009; Ambassador David Satterfield, who until earlier this year was US Special Envoy for Middle East Humanitarian Issues and Dr. Sanam Vakil, director of the Middle East and North Africa Programme at Chatham House. The Today Debate was produced by Sinead Heekin and Louisa Lewis. The editor is Owenna Griffiths. Studio direction by Ben Andrews.

Don DeBar, journalist, Trump will probably win the US presidential election, if he survives assassination. Election fraud, Trump support, and why people are trying to assassinate Trump. How Democrats relentlessly ratcheted up violent rhetoric against Trump before assassination attempt — comparing him to Hitler Democrats’ rhetoric stoking fear and hatred against former President Donald Trump — including repeated comparisons to Adolf Hitler — is coming into a harsh new light following the assassination attempt against him on Saturday. Trump’s political opponents have long used incendiary language in response to his more controversial statements — commonly casting him as a cartoon villain hellbent on bringing about the end of democracy itself. Their divisive statements frequently include tossing around words like “dictator” or making overt references to the Holocaust or Nazi Germany. Republicans now blame this very rhetoric for stoking the assassination attempt that got Trump shot and left a hero firefighter dead and two others critically wounded. Former President Trump was left bloodied by a sniper’s bullet Saturday, and outrage has begun to stir as Democrats’ past statements linking him to Hitler are seen in new light. Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.), who is vying to succeed Sen. Mitch McConnell as Senate Majority leader, wrote on X, “Democrats and liberals in the media have called Trump a fascist. They’ve compared him to Hitler. This isn’t some unfortunate incident, this was an assassination attempt by a madman inspired by the rhetoric of the radical left.” Just last Monday, President Biden himself said it’s “time to put Trump in a bullseye” in a now-wince-inducing quote from a private call with hundreds of democratic donors, Politico reported at the time. The unfortunate wording brought to mind remarks NY Democratic Rep. Dan Goldman made last November in an MSNBC interview with former White House press secretary Jen Psaki, saying Trump should be “eliminated” over his alleged role in the Jan. 6, 2021 Capitol riot. “It is just unquestionable at this point that man cannot see public office again. He is not only unfit, he is destructive to our democracy, and he has to be eliminated,” the District 10 representative said. Goldman later walked back his remarks in a post on X, saying he doesn’t condone “political violence.” The official Biden-Harris HQ account also made a post on X in December with the heading “Trump Parrots Hitler” featuring a series of images of Trump and Hitler’s faces juxtaposed with quotes from each, which the campaign alleged were similar. Casually comparing the former president to history’s greatest monster was apparently also a favorite pastime inside the Biden White House. Young staffers including aides to President Biden have reportedly taken to calling Trump “Hitler Pig” behind closed doors.
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Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on how ineffective UN is. BRICS – Saudis to join. Attempt to defeat Russia a ‘suicidal escapade’, Lavrov warns Ukraine and the West Ukraine’s hope of defeating Russia on the battlefield is senseless given that Moscow holds nuclear weapons and any effort by the NATO alliance to keep aiding Kyiv will prove to be a “suicidal escapade”, Russia’s Minister for Foreign Affairs told the UN General Assembly on Saturday. Sergey Lavrov said criticism of Russia’s “special operation” based on the UN Charter and Ukraine’s territorial integrity, ignored the fact that the UN’s founding document also “declares the obligation to respect the principles of the equality and self-determination of peoples”, he said, arguing that this had after all been the basis for ongoing decolonisation efforts. “The rights of Russians and those that feel they are part of Russian culture following the coup d’etat in Kyiv have methodically been exterminated,” he declared, and this poses a threat to Russian and wider European security. Mr. Lavrov said President Vladimir Putin had a “realistic settlement plan” and was prepared to negotiate, blaming the West for sabotaging previous attempts. He said the attempt by the Washington-London-Brussels axis to defeat Russia was nullifying the UN’s attempts to enhance global cooperation through agreements such as Sunday’s Pact for the Future – which Russia refused to back – and was “blocking the functioning of the entire system of global governance, including the Security Council.” “That’s not something we chose and we’re not responsible for the consequences of this dangerous course,” he added.
#1 - Complete 4hr show - [right click to download]
~Full interviews with...
#1(b) - Mark Fairhurst POA chair on how best to spend 4bn wasted by governments - 00:05:00
#1(c) - Ian Hilpus 'That's Death' Esther Rantzen's cold ego, 'is he one of us' BBC Jimmy Savile 1970s - 00:30:00
#2 - Dr David Halpin Devon Inquest, End Of Life, Died Unexpectedly Young, How The Covid Jabs Kill & Maim, Queen's cancer - 01:00:00
#3 - Neil Basu Anti-Terror Met Chief 2018-21 w James O'Brien on LBC - 01:10:00
#4 - MI5 DG Ken McCalum UK facing heightened threat of ‘plot after plot’ from Russia Iran - 00:20:00
#5 - Ten years after 7-7 13 holes in government & media account of 2005 London Bombings - 00:30:00
#6 - Lowkey on Piers Morgan calling out Murdoch pro Israel political bias and that of fellow guest - 00:35:00
#7 - Today Debate What Path To ME Peace Jeremy Bowen BBC, Lord Ricketts ME FO; Afif Safieh Palestine Mission Lon Wash Mosc, Ehud Olmert Israel PM 2006-09, David Satterfield USA, Sanam Vakil Chatham House - 00:40:00
#8 - Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov UN failures and ways forward 2024 UN GA - 00:25:00
#9 - Mark Fairhurst POA chair on how best to spend 4bn wasted by governments - 00:05:00
#10 - Ian Hilpus 'That's Death' Esther Rantzen's cold ego, 'is he one of us' BBC Jimmy Savile 1970s - 00:30:00
#11 - Don Debar Trump is way ahead but may be assassinated voting system extremely fragile - 01:00:00

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