This week’s archive radio show goes around and comes around as we take pictures of history and as we tell the dirty secrets of Afghanistan. In Part 2 we celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and for the feature piece we point out how the elites are coopting a lot of ‘green’ organizations and NGO’s.
Perfidy mixed with iconoclasm. It’s the Thunderbolt!
This is a production of Dancing Angel Media. You are free to rebroadcast as long as you are a non-profit — just please let us know if you do so.
You can find the Thunderbolt archives at
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This program is best listened to through high-quality headphones at a very high volume
*The News & Commentary section of this week’s show originally aired on June 4th, 2021
Part 1:
Disclaimer / Station ID / Intro Music: Focus 00:00—01:11
What Went Around Came Around Music: Alamaailman Vasarat 01:11—04:42
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Years Music: Shiina Ringo with Saito Neko 04:42—10:33
He Came Around but Didn’t Go Around Music: Reptile Palace Orchestra 10:31—14:55
The Dirty Secret of Afghanistan Music: Psycho Le Cemu — Mucca Pazza — Tina S — Mike Oldfield 14:53—26:53
Part 2:
Disclaimer 26:53—27:18
Martin Luther King’s Unacknowledged Sacrifice Music: Quincy Jones — Laura Lace 27:17—30:48
Green is the New Green Music: The Rutles — Evelyn Glennie 30:47—39:05
Music Intro 39:04—39:17
Glitch by The Sidh 39:16—40:46
I'm Just a Sidh in Ireland by The Sidh 40:42—44:22
Iridium by The Sidh 44:20—48:32
N.i_T-R_(O) by The Sidh 48:23—52:52
Credits / Disclaimer / Promo 52:48—54:00
‘Bonus 6’ — KHUH, FRO & Patreon Only:
Intro 0:00—0:15
Suddenly...(I Miss Carpaty) by Gogol Bordello 0:13—5:50