This is a broadcast-ready version of Thinking Clearly, a show about critical thinking and related topics, hosted by Julia Minton and Bob Froehlich. The program features guests involved in cutting edge research, writing and teaching relating to improving the quality of our information environment, belief formation and civil dialogue. This show is produced in KMUD's studios in Redway, California. If your station decides to carry the show, please drop us a line at
There is no end in sight to the amount of misinformation and disinformation that we are currently being exposed to. With a contentious US presidential election and the seasonal spike in COVID-19 pandemic cases, that pollution is on the rise, and information that used to be politically neutral is now being politicized and weaponized. These and other topics, including the Pro-Truth Pledge movement, are discussed with guest, Tim Ward, co- author of the book: Pro Truth: a Practical Plan for Putting Truth Back into Politics.