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Program Information
GI RIghts Radio and Podcast
Part 1
Regular Show
James M. Branum, Attorney at Law
 James Branum -  Contact Contributor
Jan. 14, 2016, 6:26 p.m.
Monthly program from the Shortwave Radio service. Free for rebroadcast for noncommercial purposes, online or over the air.
James M. Branum and
Episode #1 of the GI Rights Radio Show and Podcast, first aired on International Shortwave Radio Station WBCQ – The Planet at 5110 khz on Thursday, January 14, 2016 7 pm CST (Friday, 1 am UTC)

Hosted by: James M. Branum, Attorney at Law

This show is sponsored by: Joy Mennonite Church and the Center for Conscience in Action, both of Oklahoma City.

Topic for tonight’s episode: An introduction to US military conscientious objection – Part 1

Outline of Presentation…

* Four common myths about conscientious objection (CO) and their rebuttal
* What must an applicant for CO status prove?
* What is the process of seeking CO status?
* What happens if the applicant is granted CO status? (what happens if the applicant is denied CO status will be covered in the next episode)

Organizations and resources mentioned in this show: Center on Conscience and War (1-800-379-2679), GI Rights Hotline (1-877-447-4487), Courage to Resist, Catholic Peace Fellowship

BSR airs the GI Rights Radio Show on the 2nd weekly program of each month on international shortwave radio station WBCQ at 5110 khz.

Disclaimer: The GI Rights Radio Show, Podcast and Website is designed to provide general information for the public and should not be construed as legal advice, or legal opinion on any specific facts or circumstances.

The information presented should not be construed to be formal legal advice nor the formation of a attorney/client relationship. Any reference on the GI Rights Radio Show, Podcast or website to results obtained in a particular matter does not infer the probability of success for any individual in a particular case, as each case stands on it own merits.

Also please note that it is illegal for me as an attorney to advise you to break the law, even if following the law might violate your conscience. Please understand that it is against the law for a member of the military to leave their nit without lawful reason (aka “going AWOL or UA”). It is also against the law to refuse to obey a lawful order to deploy. In the end you have to make up your own mind about your actions. I will not tell you what to do.

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00:30:00 1 Jan. 13, 2016
Oklahoma City, OK, USA
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