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Program Information
State Of The City reports
'Release The Sausages' UK PM Starmer's UN Gaza Policy In Tatters
 Bristol Broadband Co-operative  Contact Contributor
Sept. 27, 2024, midnight
— ‘Release The Sausages’ UK PM Starmer’s UN Gaza Policy In Tatters
— Matt O’Branain, Kiwi activist, joins Tony and Martin to look at the trivialising of investigative journalism (and the church) in the UK. David Shayler and Annie Machon – 1990s MI5 whistleblowers.
— Matt did a piece of performance art a few weeks pre 9/11 pretending to be a Muslim with a bomb at base of twin towers!
— Matt went to an event at Bristol’s Cube Cinema on conspiracy theories ‘Truthseekers’, which was a tongue in cheek event. D
— ‘Surviving Oct 7: We Will Dance Again’ documentary on BBC. Jonathan Cook article on the horror of the pro-genocide bias of this film. title Israelis will dance again, vows BBC film. Will Gaza’s children ever get to dance? Gaza’s children have no voice. Their tears evaporate in the summer heat, and merge with the winter rain. No one comes to make a documentary about them. No one comes at all
— Foreknowledge – who bets on the stock markets before terror attacks? Unknown traders appear to have anticipated October 7 Hamas attack, research finds
— Bets against the value of Israeli companies spiked in the days before the October 7th Hamas attacks, suggesting some traders may have had advance knowledge of the looming terror attack and profited off it
— 9/11 Attacks: Criminal Foreknowledge and Insider Trading lead directly to the CIA’s Highest Ranks CIA Executive Director “Buzzy” Krongard managed Firm that handled “Put” Options on UAL
— Netanyahu’s words on 9/11 – ‘It’s very good’ article “It’s very good”: Recalling Benjamin Netanyahu’s words on the day of the 9/11 attacks
— “9-11/Israel did it” – Evidence for the proposition that the Israeli deep state was involved in the 9-11 event. This article presents evidence that the Israeli deep state was a prime mover in the events of 9-11
— Roger Cook – The Cook Report – smuggling bombs on to planes – The Cook Report – Terror in the Skies/Bombs on Planes S14E01 (1996)
— 9/11 Made For Television: Tania Head claimed for years to be in twin towers on 9/11 – she turned out to be a fake and vanished.
— Chile’s 9/11 1973 – “Make the Economy Scream”: Secret Documents Show Nixon, Kissinger Role Backing 1973 Chile Coup Peter Kornbluh author of The Pinochet File
— Colonia Dignidad: Chile’s dark past uncovered – How did a secret German sect in Chile become a haven for Nazi fugitives and a torture centre for the Pinochet regime?
— Britain paying highest electricity prices in the world Cost of power for industrial businesses now four times more expensive than in US
— Theo Chalmers interviews Daniel Obachike who was a passenger on the bus which suffered a massive bomb blast which killed many others on 7/7 (7th July 2005)
— The 4th Bomb 7/7 survivor Daniel Obachike: The Peter Power Terror Drill Inquest (November 2008)
— Films on 7/7: ‘Mind the Gap’ and ‘Ludicrous Diversion’. Northern Ireland. Compare Gaza and Northern Ireland.
— Julian Assange to make one-off ‘comeback’ in Strasbourg next Tuesday
— Dr Richard Ebright, a top microbiologist and Professor of Chemistry at Rutgers University perfectly explains why the Covid ‘Lab Leak Theory’ was in fact a reality and its critics were incorrect
— Granville Williams Media North website. The Campaign for Press & Broadcasting Freedom (North) supports independent journalism, and holds regular talks and events.
— Israel raids Al Jazeera offices in West Bank – – Israel accused the Qatar-owned network of “incitement to and support of terrorism.”
— The great Murdoch succession battle irrevocable trust agreement to give Lachlan control of his empire. The request is being challenged in a Nevada court by James, Elisabeth, and Prudence.
— President Vladimir Putin warned the West on Wednesday that Russia could use nuclear weapons if it was struck with conventional missiles, and that Moscow would consider any assault on it supported by a nuclear power to be a joint attack
— British Prime Minister Keir Starmer accidentally called for “return of the sausages” instead of Gaza “hostages” during a speech at the Labour Party conference on Tuesday
— Kamala Harris on Oprah. Unbelievably awful cloying speech by the Democratic presidential candidate. – Kamala’s Glittering Generalities How to Win the Presidency by Saying Nothing
— Jonathan Taplin, on NZ Radio, author of ‘Techno Determinism: The End of Reality – How Four Billionaires Are Selling Our Future’ – Peter Thiel, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Marc Andreessen. Robber Barons.
— Student who heckled Sir Keir Starmer during his speech at the Labour Party conference has told Sky News the prime minister would “not lift a finger” to help the people of Gaza amid the conflict with Israel
— Butch Ware: 'Trump has already won' with Muslim vote over Gaza - If the former president wins the East Coast trio of Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Georgia, he will go back to the White House
— Telegram will now hand over IP addresses, phone numbers of suspects to cops – Maybe a spell in a French cell changed Durov’s mind
— NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
Part One – Local and National News Review

Matt O’Branain, Kiwi activist, joins Tony and Martin to look at the trivialising of investigative journalism (and the church) in the UK. David Shayler and Annie Machon – 1990s MI5 whistleblowers. ‘Mind The Gap’ film on 7/7, with voice over by Shayler. David Shayler losing it. ‘Conspiracy Files’ film on 7/7 that Tony and Martin were in. Matt did a piece of performance art a few weeks pre 9/11 pretending to be a Muslim with a bomb at base of twin towers! Matt went to an event at Bristol’s Cube Cinema on conspiracy theories ‘Truthseekers’, which was a tongue in cheek event. Difference between mad funny conspiracies and serious true ones. 9/11 – dancing Israelis. Truth Seekers 2024 **NOTE THIS EVENT DOES NOT USE FUNDS FROM STATE OR NON-STATE ACTORS FOREIGN OR DOMESTIC*** We’re back for another Truth Seekers Ball. A BYO conspiracy theory event where you present your diligently researched conspiracy theory and we all bring each other closer to the truth Presentations can be historical, current, speculative, serious, or amusing. Use your research skills or amp up those pattern recognition skills to find the hidden links. Projector and Computer are provided so just bring a USB stick or similar with the presentation. Powerpoint and Keynote are available on the computer to use. BYO Computer also accepted (Ensure you have a HDMI socket to plug the cable into)

‘Surviving Oct 7: We Will Dance Again’ documentary on BBC. Jonathan Cook article on the horror of the pro-genocide bias of this film. title Israelis will dance again, vows BBC film. Will Gaza’s children ever get to dance? Gaza’s children have no voice. Their tears evaporate in the summer heat, and merge with the winter rain. No one comes to make a documentary about them. No one comes at all Jonathan Cook It says much about the institutional racism of the BBC that it thinks Surviving October 7: We Will Dance Again is a suitable title for its documentary marking the first anniversary of the massacre of Israelis at the Nova rave. Presumably the programme-makers believed it suggested healing and empowerment for those who survived October 7, rather than, as it does, continuing indifference to the horrifying plight of the people of Gaza who live – or, in so many cases, have died – just a stone’s throw from where the Nova festival was held. At the time of the rave, Palestinians were trapped in the concentration camp of Gaza, under a medieval-style siege by land, sea and air that Israel had imposed on them for 17 years. Until, that is, Hamas broke out for one day, on October 7, briefly spreading carnage in its wake. Like most other Israelis, the partygoers at Nova either did not know or did not care that so much suffering was happening just out of view in Gaza. They know now. As do the programme-makers. Tens of thousands of Palestinians, most of them women and children, have been slaughtered by Israel’s bombs over the past year. The rest are being starved to death by an intensified Israeli siege. The International Court of Justice has ruled that a “plausible” case has been made that Israel is committing a genocide. Though no western politicians or media ever mention it, Israel is, in fact, on trial at this very moment at the world’s highest court, charged with the ultimate crime against humanity. So what is the title “We will dance again” meant to convey? That Israelis can get back to partying because the deaths and suffering they experienced at Hamas’ hands lasted only a day?

A display shows most indicators down on the floor at the New York Stock Exchange in New York, Wednesday, March 15, 2023. Stocks are falling on Wall Street as worries worsen about the strength of banks on both sides of the Atlantic. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig)

Foreknowledge – who bets on the stock markets before events. Nova Festival in Israel shifted location at last minute on Oct 7. Anonmolies of Oct 7. Project For The New American Century plans. Unknown traders appear to have anticipated October 7 Hamas attack, research finds — Bets against the value of Israeli companies spiked in the days before the October 7th Hamas attacks, suggesting some traders may have had advance knowledge of the looming terror attack and profited off it, according to new research released Monday. The preliminary research, which hasn’t been peer reviewed, is from law professors at Columbia University and New York University and details a “significant” and “unusual” spike five days before the attacks in short selling in the most popular fund linked to Israeli companies. Short selling is a way to bet against the value of a security. Those bets against the value of the MSCI Israel Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) in the days before the October 7 attack “far exceeded” the short selling activity that took place during the Covid-19 pandemic, the 2014 Israel-Gaza war and the 2008 global financial crisis, the paper finds. “Our findings suggest that traders informed about the coming attacks profited from these tragic events,” the authors wrote.

9/11: Criminal Foreknowledge and Insider Trading in the CIA – 9/11 Attacks: Criminal Foreknowledge and Insider Trading lead directly to the CIA’s Highest Ranks CIA Executive Director “Buzzy” Krongard managed Firm that handled “Put” Options on UAL Although uniformly ignored by the mainstream U.S. media, there is abundant and clear evidence that a number of transactions in financial markets indicated specific (criminal) foreknowledge of the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. That evidence also demonstrates that, in the case of at least one of these trades — which has left a $2.5 million prize unclaimed — the firm used to place the “put options” on United Airlines stock was, until 1998, managed by the man who is now in the number three Executive Director position at the Central Intelligence Agency. Until 1997 A.B. “Buzzy” Krongard had been Chairman of the investment bank A.B. Brown. A.B. Brown was acquired by Banker’s Trust in 1997. Krongard then became, as part of the merger, Vice Chairman of Banker’s Trust-AB Brown, one of 20 major U.S. banks named by Senator Carl Levin this year as being connected to money laundering. Krongard’s last position at Banker’s Trust (BT) was to oversee “private client relations.” In this capacity he had direct hands-on relations with some of the wealthiest people in the world in a kind of specialized banking operation that has been identified by the U.S. Senate and other investigators as being closely connected to the laundering of drug money. Advertisement – scroll to continue reading Krongard (re?) joined the CIA in 1998 as counsel to CIA Director George Tenet. He was promoted to CIA Executive Director by President Bush in March of this year. BT was acquired by Deutsche Bank in 1999. The combined firm is the single largest bank in Europe. And, as we shall see, Deutsche Bank played several key roles in events connected to the September 11 attacks.

Netanyahu’s words on 9/11 – ‘It’s very good’ article “It’s very good”: Recalling Benjamin Netanyahu’s words on the day of the 9/11 attacks -. Today, the eleventh anniversary of the 11 September 2001 attacks on New York and Washington, I was struck by the news in Haaretz: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday launched an unprecedented verbal attack on the US government over its stance on the Iranian nuclear program. “The world tells Israel ‘wait, there’s still time’. And I say, ‘Wait for what? Wait until when?’ Those in the international community who refuse to put red lines before Iran don’t have a moral right to place a red light before Israel,” Netanyahu told reporters on Tuesday. Eleven years ago on this day, as the world looked on in stunned horror as the towers came down in New York, the same Netanyahu was already thinking strategically. Here’s how The New York Times reported it: Asked tonight what the attack meant for relations between the United States and Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, the former prime minister, replied, “It’s very good.” Then he edited himself: “Well, not very good, but it will generate immediate sympathy.” He predicted that the attack would “strengthen the bond between our two peoples, because we’ve experienced terror over so many decades, but the United States has now experienced a massive hemorrhaging of terror.”

“9-11/Israel did it” – Evidence for the proposition that the Israeli deep state was involved in the 9-11 event. This article presents evidence that the Israeli deep state was a prime mover in the events of 9-11. Note that it does not imply that other groups (i.e. the US deep state and maybe others like the Saudi Arabian deep state) were not involved in both the commission and cover up of the September 11 attacks. The 9-11 event advanced the Neocon PNAC agenda, with its explicitly stated need for “…a catastrophic and catalysing event – like a new Pearl Harbor” [1] in order to mobilise US public opinion for already planned wars, the effects of which would be to destroy Israel’s enemies. Official narrative The 2015 Facebook post from Stephen Sizer. The idea that Israelis might have been involved in perpetrating or covering up the 9-11 event is “anti-semitic” in itself, and as such is not to be publicly expressed without immediate condemnation as such. In 2015 the Rev. Dr. Stephen Sizer linked to this page from his Facebook wall, and asked “Is this anti-Semitic? If so, no doubt I’ll be asked to remove it. It raises so many questions.”[2] In response the Church of England banned him from social media.[3][4] In 2018 the Daily Mail article on Kees van der Pijl. In 2018, after Emeritus Professor Kees van der Pijl tweeted support for this page, the University of Sussex, where he headed the Department of International Relations for 12 years, announced that it would investigate him. This was picked up by the UK Independent and the Daily Mail, although discussion centred on whether or not he should be subject to disciplinary action rather whether or not his allegations were correct.[5][6][7] Control of World Trade Center Complex One of the first operational steps in preparation for the 9/11 attacks would have been to secure control of the World Trade Centre Complex itself. This is crucial because without complete control, the setting of explosives to bring down the towers would be next to impossible without serious risk of discovery. Four key Zionist Network assets Larry Silverstein, who made billions of dollars from the attacks Frank Lowy Ronald Lauder Lewis Eisenberg Larry Silverstein – is a Jewish American businessman from New York. Silverstein obtained a 99 year lease on the entire world trade center complex on 24 July, 2001. The towers were in fact close to worthless, being filled with asbestos,[8] yet Silverstein “felt a compelling urge to own them” and took out specific insurance against acts of “terrorism”. Silverstein had breakfast in “Windows on the World” restaurant (located in North Tower 107th Floor) every morning. [9] but broke this routine on the morning of 11 September 2001. Silverstein’s two children, who also worked in the WTC, were also absent from work that day. Larry Silverstein was paid $4.55 billion in insurance money as a result of the destruction of the WTC complex[10]. He also sued the airlines and airport security, seeking $12.3 billion in damages, though his ultimate payout after a 13 years legal struggle was just $95.2 million.[11] Silverstein was a personal friend of media-magnate Rupert Murdoch and former Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon. Haaretz reported that he was such good friends with Benjamin Netanyahu that he spoke with him on the phone every Sunday.[12] Larry Silverstein hid his role in 9/11? Frank Lowy, a Czechoslovakia born Jew, was the owner of Westfield America, one of the biggest shopping mall conglomerates in the world. Lowy leased the shopping concourse area called the Mall at the World Trade Center, made up of approximately 427,000 square feet of retail floor space. Frank Lowy was a member of the Golani Brigade, and fought in the Israeli war of independence.[clarification needed] Before this he was a member of Hagganah. He spends three months of the year at his home in Israel and has been described by the Sydney Morning Herald as “a self-made man with a strong interest in the Holocaust and Israeli politics.” He funded and launched the Israeli Institute for National Strategy and Policy, which will “operate within the framework of Tel Aviv University” in Israel. He is also close friends with many top Israeli officials such as Ehud Olmert, Ariel Sharon, Bibi Netanyahu, and Ehud Barak. He was implicated in an Israeli Bank Scandal with Olmert.[13] Frank Lowy was not at the WTC on 9/11. Lewis Eisenberg – Eisenberg was the head of the Port Authority of New York and authorized the lease transfer to Silverstein and Lowy. [14] Eisenberg was a large contributor to the Bush-Cheney presidential campaign, as well as a partner in Goldman Sachs. Eisenberg has been both a member of the Planning Board of the United Jewish Appeal/United Jewish Federation pro-Israeli government pressure group in the U.S. [15] Ronald Lauder – Billionaire Estée Lauder Cosmetics magnate. He was the chairman of NY Governor George Pataki’s commission on privatization. He is the key individual who lobbied for the privatization of the WTC[16] — but he was also instrumental in the successful privatisation of the former Stewart Air Force Base. Oddly, the flight paths of flight 175 and flight 11 converged directly over this airport. Map Lauder was active[When?] in the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations , Jewish National Fund, World Jewish Congress, American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, Anti-Defamation League and Jewish Theological Seminary. He was elected president of the World Jewish Congress on 10 June, 2007. He founded a school for the Mossad in Herzliya, Israel called the Lauder School of Government Diplomacy and Strategy. He is arguably the key Sayan in the preparation of 9/11.

Roger Cook – The Cook Report – smuggling bombs on to planes – The Cook Report – Terror in the Skies/Bombs on Planes S14E01 (1996) – Roger Cook Reports – The Cook Report was prompted to make the programme by Dr Jim Swire, whose 23-year-old daughter Flora was amongst 270 victims when a terrorist bomb brought down Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie in December 1988. Dr Swire subsequently became a spokesman for all the bereaved British relatives. He had run a small-scale test, successfully smuggling a dummy replica of the Lockerbie bomb through the airport security systems in London and New York – and suggested that the Cook Report could do it on a much larger scale with a correspondingly larger public impact. The programme’s first test involved sending a suitcase containing a mock Semtex bomb from Ancona in Italy, via Rome, to Gatwick. The suitcase was checked in at Ancona without any problems and then its ‘owner ‘got off the plane in Rome, leaving a theoretically lethal package to continue undetected and unaccompanied on its way to Gatwick. It was ludicrously easy, and the same dummy bomb got through X-ray and security procedures at no fewer than nine different airports on both sides of the Atlantic. Worst was Logan in Boston, which Mohamed Atta, the leader of the 9/11 terrorists, later chose as his departure point prior to hijacking the aircraft that demolished the Twin Towers. Research for the programme also took it to Manila, where the police had discovered details of an extraordinary plot to blow up the Pentagon and the World Trade Center. The evidence was discovered on a laptop computer left behind by a terrorist fleeing an unintended explosion in a bomb factory in a local apartment block. The programme was later able to reveal previously unknown links that led all the way from that bomb maker to Osama bin Laden. Manila’s Police Chief, Hermogenes J. Ebdane Junior – a retired general and future national security adviser – gave the Cook Report exclusive access to the computer’s files because he said the US Authorities, including the FBI and the CIA, simply weren’t interested. That was five years before 9/11 and had that evidence been followed up, then the lives of 2,973 people might not have been lost.

9/11 Made For Television: Tania Head claimed for years to be in twin towers on 9/11 – she turned out to be a fake and vanished. Pearl Harbour LIHOP. The 11th September Fake Victim – Tania Head – Documentary – The incredible story about how Tania Head became the favorite survivor of the 11th September terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in New York. How she build confidence and trust, made a huge contribution to the 911 Survival Memorium. Then only to be revealed as a liar, who was nowhere near the WTC on 11th September. Tania Head had one of the most tragic and inspiring stories to come out of the Sept. 11 attacks. She was in the south tower, on the same floor that the second plane hit. She saw horrific carnage and was handed a wedding ring by a dying man who requested that she give it to his wife. Then she was led to safety by Welles Crowther, the famous “man in the red bandanna,” who lost his own life rescuing others. And finally, she woke up in a hospital burn unit six days later, only to find out that her husband had been killed in the north tower. Head became the face of the Sept. 11 survivors movement, telling her story to the media and to tour groups at ground zero. There was just one problem: Not a word of it was true. “Her real name wasn’t Tania Head at all,” author and documentary filmmaker Angelo Guglielmo tells weekends on All Things Considered host Guy Raz. “She was actually not even in the United States on Sept. 11.”

Chile’s 9/11 1973 – Allende was overthrown in Chile by Military backed by US – Henry Kissinger’s plan. Chris Williamson interviews Pablo Navretti ? .. who’s parents were taken to torture centres in Chile coup. Coups in Latin America common. “Make the Economy Scream”: Secret Documents Show Nixon, Kissinger Role Backing 1973 Chile Coup Peter Kornbluh author of The Pinochet File: A Declassified Dossier on Atrocity and Accountability, just updated in a newly released edition for the 40th anniversary of the Chilean Coup. He is also director of the Chile Documentation Project at the National Security Archive. He just returned from Chile, and his latest article for The Nation magazine is “Chileans Confront Their Own 9/11.” We continue our coverage of the 40th anniversary of the overthrow of Chilean President Salvador Allende with a look at the critical U.S. role under President Richard Nixon and his national security adviser, Henry Kissinger. Peter Kornbluh, who spearheaded the effort to declassify more than 20,000 secret documents that revealed the role of the CIA and the White House in the Chilean coup, discusses how Nixon and Kissinger backed the Chilean military’s ouster of Allende and then offered critical support as it committed atrocities to cement its newfound rule. Kornbluh is author of the newly updated book, “The Pinochet File: A Declassified Dossier on Atrocity and Accountability,” and director of the Chile Documentation Project at the National Security Archive. In 1970, the CIA’s deputy director of plans wrote in a secret memo: “It is firm and continuing policy that Allende be overthrown by a coup. … It is imperative that these actions be implemented clandestinely and securely so that the USG [the U.S. government] and American hand be well hidden.” That same year President Nixon ordered the CIA to “make the economy scream” in Chile to “prevent Allende from coming to power or to unseat him.” We’re also joined by Juan Garcés, a former personal adviser to Allende who later led the successful legal effort to arrest and prosecute coup leader

Colonia Dignidad in Chile started by Germans and Nazis. South American politics. The Colony: Chile’s dark past uncovered – How did a secret German sect in Chile become a haven for Nazi fugitives and a torture centre for the Pinochet regime? Forty years after the US-backed military coup that brought General Augusto Pinochet to power in Chile, the truth about the sordid abuses and crimes that took place during his dictatorship are still emerging. The mountains of Patagonia in southern Chile witnessed a particularly bizarre chapter of the Pinochet era; one that is still claiming victims today. In 1961, a former Nazi corporal called Paul Schaefer fled Germany, along with hundreds of others, to found a sect in southern Chile. In an idyllic rural enclave framed by the Andes Mountains he created a virtual state within a state – one where horrifying events unfolded. Initially with the ignorance of the government, and then with the complicity of the Pinochet regime, children were separated from their parents at birth and raised in a Kinder House. Men and women were kept apart and often drugged, while Schaefer systematically sexually abused boys and, occasionally, girls. It also served as a haven for Nazi fugitives – such as Walter Rauff, the inventor of the portable gas chamber, and Joseph Mengele, the so-called ‘Angel of Death’ – who were permitted to hide out there in exchange for overseeing sophisticated forms of torture. All of this took place with the full knowledge of the Pinochet regime, whose notorious intelligence chief, General Manuel Contreras, would often visit the site.

Socialist UK in 60s and 70s – now most expensive electricity in world. Britain paying highest electricity prices in the world Cost of power for industrial businesses now four times more expensive than in US British companies are paying the highest electricity prices of anywhere in the developed world, official data has shown. The cost of power for industrial businesses has jumped 124pc in just five years, according to the Government’s figures, catapulting the UK to the top of international league tables. It is now about 50pc more expensive than in Germany and France, and four times as expensive as in the US. The figures will fuel concerns about the future of UK industry amid warnings that high energy prices are crippling domestic manufacturers. They underline the challenge facing Ed Miliband, the Energy Secretary, who wants industrial businesses to switch away from gas to electricity-powered processes. Frank Aaskov, the director of energy at lobby group UK Steel, said: “High industrial electricity prices have for too long damaged the competitiveness of UK steelmaking, and many in the wider manufacturing sector will be feeling the same pressure our steel companies do. “The Government should tackle steep electricity costs and make the UK a fruitful place to invest, while enabling growth and improving competitiveness.” The electricity price paid by UK industrial users per kilowatt hour rose to 25.85p in 2023, the data show. That compares to 10.43p as recently as five years earlier and 8.89p a decade ago. It also far outstripped European rivals and allies such as the US and Canada. The equivalent price was 17.84p in France, 17.71p in Germany and 6.48p in the US. Across all the 31 member countries of the International Energy Agency, which collates the data, the median price was 17.70p per kilowatt hour, with Britain’s price higher than any other country. It comes after paper and packaging giant DS Smith told The Telegraph that high power prices risked becoming a barrier to investment, while steel producers – including Tata, the owner of Port Talbot – have warned ministers they “must deliver” more competitive prices. Yet many manufacturers are being encouraged to ditch industrial processes that use fossil fuels such as natural gas and switch over to electricity, as part of efforts to reach net zero carbon emissions. For example, Tata is in the process of closing its last blast furnace and transitioning to an electric arc furnace. Meanwhile, heavily polluting businesses must pay for any carbon emissions that exceed a legally allowed threshold. Despite this, a report by UK Steel this month described the electricity price as “a barrier to growth, competitiveness and profitability”. Successive governments have attempted to bring down Britain’s power costs, with the Conservatives most recently introducing the “supercharger” discount for energy-intensive businesses such as steel producers and glass makers. The supercharger strips out the majority of network costs and green levies. However, even after this huge discount UK Steel said power remained roughly twice as expensive as in Germany. It blamed the disparity on the UK’s electricity generation mix being “more dependent on gas”, with high natural gas prices pushing up UK power prices. The UK generated 33.7pc of its power using gas in 2023, compared to 17.1pc in Germany and just 5.9pc in nuclear-dominated France. In the UK, wind was in second, generating 28.7pc. But the wholesale price of electricity is set by the most expensive method needed to meet demand. Because renewables such as wind and solar currently do not meet this demand on their own, it almost always tracks the price of gas. For example, on late Thursday afternoon, gas was still being burned to generate 20pc of Britain’s power, while 35.6pc and 10.7pc were generated by wind and solar respectively. Against this backdrop, the Government has previously considered trying to decouple gas from the electricity price so that companies could instead pay a lower rate linked to renewables. But in a consultation published in March on reforms to the electricity market, the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero said it had dropped the proposal. It said this was “on the basis that they would not deliver benefits for consumers and fail in our assessment against our criteria of deliverability and investor confidence”. A Government spokesman said: “We are already bringing energy costs for UK industries closer in line with other major economies through the British Industry Supercharger. “This fully exempts eligible firms from certain costs linked to renewable energy policies, particularly those exposed to the high cost of electricity. “Our mission is for clean power by 2030 because clean, homegrown energy is the best way to protect billpayers and boost Britain’s energy independence, with improving infrastructure at the heart of this mission.”
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Daniel Obachicke who was witness to the bus bomb of 7/7 on what he saw. Peter Power’s terror drill. Anomalies of 7/7. ON THE EDGE No7- Daniel Obachike Theo Chalmers interviews Daniel Obachike who was a passenger on the bus which suffered a massive bomb blast which apparently killed many others on 7/7 (7th July 2005) in Tavistock Square, London. His book, The 4th Bomb, which he discusses in this programme carries a very different version of events to the official version; a very worryingly different version indeed. Make your own mind up about the events of 7/7.

The 4th Bomb 7/7 survivor Daniel Obachike: The Peter Power Terror Drill Inquest (November 2008) The Peter Power Terror Drill Inquest Many who’ve heard of or read my story ask me to explain more about the Peter Power Terror Drills I witnessed that day, as I only gave it a brief mention in The 4th Bomb. Many see this so called ‘coincidence’ as the strongest evidence yet of state involvement. Peter Power Terror Drill Inquest – Nov 4th With Daniel Obachike – Bus Survivor & Eye Witness Many who’ve heard of or read my story ask me to explain more about the Peter Power Terror Drills I witnessed that day, as I only gave it a breif mention in The 4th Bomb. Many see this so called ‘coincidence’ as the strongest evidence yet of state involvement. I came to this book from the perspective of someone who already knew about the large number of inconsistencies surrounding the 9/11 attacks in America. I was curious about the London attacks and amazed to learn that both these attacks had something in common: terror drills of the exact same scenarios were being conducted when those events went live. Can it really be just a coincidence? Luckily we have a survivor’s account to tell us what the media would not about the events of 7/7. Luckily we have a man who had the wherewithal to take notes and ask questions, and to keep tabs on how the media reported the story and how their story kept changing. Yes, the book could have been proofread better, and at first one does question the need for frequent passages about flirting with women in the tube etc. But I think they just go to show Daniel Obachike’s attention to detail and honesty about his mindset. The way the book is written shows Obachike is just an ordinary man who was caught up in extraordinary events. Traumatic as those events were, he did not just try to sweep them under the rug and forget. No, he did the brave thing by sharing his story with the world, and it is a story worth reading.

Films on 7/7: ‘Mind the Gap’ and ‘Ludicrous Diversion’. Northern Ireland. Compare Gaza and Northern Ireland. Mind The Gap (July 2006) “‘Mind the Gap’ is a documentary film presented by ex-Mi5 whistleblower David Shayler, who exposes the gaps and the loopholes in the official story of the 7/7 London Bombings and throws light on the need for an Independent Public Inquiry into 7/7 and the surrounding events. This film highlights an unsettling truth that false flag operations are part of a strategy of tension designed to instill fear in the civilian population and create unprovoked hatred towards minority groups.” Documentary detailing the gaps in the official story of the 7/7 London Bombings that demand further attention. This film, presented by ex-Mi5 whistleblower David Shayler, argues the need for an Independant Public Inquiry into 7/7 and the surrounding events. This investigative documentary uncovers evidence that points to a high-level cover-up of the 7/7 London Bombings.. Ex-Counter Intelligence Officer David Shayler introduces a Bristol made documentary which challenges the official story of the London bombings. David Shayler’s biog: On graduating in 1989 David Shayler joined the Sunday Times. Six months later, he left the newspaper to set up his own student publication with a circulation of 25,000. In 1991, David joined MI5 as a counter-intelligence officer. In 1996, after being briefed about an MI6-funded operation to assassinate Colonel Gaddafi of Libya which killed innocent civilians he resigned from the service. In August 1997, he submitted a series of articles blowing the whistle on his previous employers. He fled to France before he could be arrested. A year later, he was imprisoned with a view to extradition. The French court refused the request because David’s alleged offence was political. In 2000, David voluntarily returned to the UK. In 2002 he was tried and convicted under the Official Secrets Act and sentenced to six months in prison. Since his release, he has helped his partner Annie Machon, also a former MI5 officer, to write Spies, Lies and Whistleblowers, MI5, MI6 and the Shayler Affair, which details corruption and incompetence at the heart of the British intelligence establishment.

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Dr. John Campbell – possibly dodgy peer reviewed paper on what’s in the Covid jabs – nano structures seen? Misinformation. Jeremy Farrah from Welcome Trust – Covid Wuhan lab leak and game of function research. Ukraine and game of function research labs. Dr. Richard Ebright is superb on Covid Wuhan lab leak …. Richard Ebright, a top microbiologist and Professor of Chemistry at Rutgers University perfectly explains why the Covid ‘Lab Leak Theory’ was in fact a reality and its critics were incorrect. This speech by Mr. Ebright was given earlier this month at a Senate Homeland Security Committee hearing. 

Granville Williams on IDF shutting down Al Jazeera in Israel …… Media North website. The Murdoch Empire. The Campaign for Press & Broadcasting Freedom (North) supports independent journalism, and holds regular talks and events. We want diverse, democratically accountable media and we’re committed to campaigning for reform. We also highlight threats to regional media, and strongly support alternative media, both print and online. If you agree that these issues are important, please join our Facebook group and follow us on Twitter….

Israel raids Al Jazeera offices in West Bank – – Israel accused the Qatar-owned network of “incitement to and support of terrorism.” Israeli troops raided Al Jazeera’s offices in the West Bank early on Sunday and ordered the station to shut down for 45 days. Al Jazeera reported that “heavily armed and masked Israeli soldiers forcefully entered” the network’s offices in Ramallah and handed the West Bank bureau chief, Walid al-Omari, the closure order, which accused the station of “incitement to and support of terrorism.” “Targeting journalists this way always aims to erase the truth and prevent people from hearing the truth,” al-Omari said, Al Jazeera reported. Israel’s Minister of Communications Shlomo Karhi posted about the raid on social media, calling Al Jazeera “the mouthpiece of Hamas and Hezbollah.” “We will continue to fight enemy channels and ensure the safety of our heroic fighters,” Karhi said. This isn’t the first time Israel has cracked down on Al Jazeera, one of the only media outlets broadcasting from the Gaza Strip. In May, Israel raided and closed the network’s East Jerusalem office, banning the company’s websites and broadcasts in the country. The initial closure order was also for 45 days, but it was renewed, Al Jazeera said….

The great Murdoch succession battle Last year, Rupert petitioned to amend the 1999 irrevocable trust agreement to give Lachlan control of his empire. The request is being challenged in a Nevada court by James, Elisabeth, and Prudence. The hearings for the case started on 16 September. If Rupert can persuade the court he’s acting in good faith and in the best interests of his heirs, then the irrevocable trust agreement can be changed. He’s expected to argue that giving Lachlan control will actually benefit his siblings, since it will maintain his companies’ conservative stance and ensure their profitability. Rupert’s concern is that the liberal trio may outvote Lachlan and take the firms in a more liberal direction, damaging them commercially. The outcome of the case could dramatically alter the trajectory of Fox News and the empire’s other key assets, potentially leading to a more moderate direction if James, Elisabeth, and Prudence prevail. Watch this space…
Videos of complete show – Essentials: Michael Hudson | Blackrock/Vanguard | Tony on Brexit & The Traitors of Arnhem | Evolution | War between God & Lucifer | Plan for three World Wars | Nuclear Armed IDF Doomsday Cult | Aanirfan | Armageddonists I have known: Nick Land (1975-8) | George Monbiot (1995-8) | Manna for the Revelation Generation: CONSPIRACY CLASSICS, longer interviews/lectures
Part Two – International news review, Accelerationist, Armageddonist reports and investigations

Putin changes nuclear doctrine this week – his speech on first strike against NATO/Ukraine. Putin issues nuclear warning to the West over strikes on Russia from Ukraine MOSCOW, Sept 25 (Reuters) – President Vladimir Putin warned the West on Wednesday that Russia could use nuclear weapons if it was struck with conventional missiles, and that Moscow would consider any assault on it supported by a nuclear power to be a joint attack. The decision to change Russia’s official nuclear doctrine is the Kremlin’s answer to deliberations in the United States and Britain about whether or not to give Ukraine permission to fire conventional Western missiles into Russia. Advertisement · Scroll to continue Putin, opening a meeting of Russia’s Security Council, said that the changes were in response to a swiftly changing global landscape which had thrown up new threats and risks for Russia. The 71-year-old Kremlin chief, the primary decision-maker on Russia’s vast nuclear arsenal, said he wanted to underscore one key change in particular. “It is proposed that aggression against Russia by any non-nuclear state, but with the participation or support of a nuclear state, be considered as their joint attack on the Russian Federation,” Putin said. “The conditions for Russia’s transition to the use of nuclear weapons are also clearly fixed,” Putin said, adding that Moscow would consider such a move if it detected the start of a massive launch of missiles, aircraft or drones against it. Russia reserved the right to also use nuclear weapons if it or ally Belarus were the subject of aggression, including by conventional weapons, Putin said. Putin said the clarifications were carefully calibrated and commensurate with the modern military threats facing Russia – confirmation that the nuclear doctrine was changing. Russia’s current published nuclear doctrine, set out in a 2020 decree by Putin, says Russia may use nuclear weapons in case of a nuclear attack by an enemy or a conventional attack that threatens the existence of the state. The innovations outlined by Putin include a widening of the threats under which Russia would consider a nuclear strike, the inclusion of ally Belarus under the nuclear umbrella and the idea that a rival nuclear power supporting a conventional strike on Russia would also be considered to be attacking it. The United States in 2022 was so concerned about the possible use of tactical nuclear weapons by Russia that it warned Putin over the consequences of using such weapons, according to Central Intelligence Agency Director Bill Burns.
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UK PM Kier Starmer’s supremely insulting and meaningless detached from reality ‘AI’ speech at Labour Party Conference – sausages. British prime minister accidentally says ‘sausages’ instead of ‘hostages’ during conference speech British Prime Minister Keir Starmer accidentally called for “return of the sausages” instead of Gaza “hostages” during a speech at the Labour Party conference on Tuesday. It happened as Starmer called for restraint and de-escalation on the border between Lebanon and Israel.

Kamala Harris on Oprah. Unbelievably awful cloying speech by the Democratic presidential candidate. – Kamala’s Glittering Generalities How to Win the Presidency by Saying Nothing. At a recent campaign event with Oprah Winfrey, Vice President Kamala Harris was given a chance at the end to appeal to undecided voters. This is what she said: We love our country. I love our country. I know we all do. That’s why everybody is here right now. We love our country. We — we take pride in the privilege of being American. And this is a moment where we can and must come together as Americans, understanding we have so much more in common than what separates us. Let’s come together with the — the character that we are so proud of about who we are, which is we are an optimistic people. We are an optimistic people. Americans, by character, are people who have dreams and ambitions and aspirations. We believe in what is possible. We believe in what can be. And we believe in fighting for that. That’s how — that’s how we came into being, because the people before us understood that one of the greatest expressions for the love of our country, one of the greatest expressions of patriotism, is to fight for the ideals of who we are, which includes freedom to make decisions about your own body; freedom to be safe from gun violence; freedom to have access to the ballot box; freedom to be who you are and just be, to love who you love openly and with pride; freedom to just be. And that’s who we are. We believe in all that. And so, this is a moment where we stand, knowing what we are fighting for. We’re not fighting against. It’s what we’re fighting for. Now, Harris has had plenty of practice as a public speaker. She knows, as a former prosecutor, how to put together an effective closing statement. This wasn’t it. Let me see if I can decipher her meaning here. An undecided voter should choose Kamala because:

Jonathan Taplin, on NZ Radio, author of ‘Techno Determinism: The End of Reality – How Four Billionaires Are Selling Our Future’ – Peter Thiel, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Marc Andreessen. Robber Barons. At a time when multiple crises are compounding to create epic inequality, four billionaires are hyping schemes that are designed to divert our attention away from issues that really matter. Each scheme – from the metaverse to cryptocurrency, space travel and transhumanism – is an existential threat in moral, political, and economic terms. In The End of Reality¸ Jonathan Taplin shines a light on the enormous cultural power of Peter Thiel, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, and Marc Andreessen, questioning whether we want our society to be run by people who receive blood transfusions to stay young. Will we really want our children anywhere near the metaverse? Do we trust Musk to rule over Mars? Tech monopolies have hollowed out the middle class and brought unbounded public acrimony. Meanwhile, enormous amounts of taxpayer money are funnelled into dystopian ventures, the benefits of which accrue to billionaires. The End of Reality is both a scathing critique of the warped worldview of a tiny minority and a vision of a truly regenerative economics to build a sustainable society with healthy growth and full employment.
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18 year-old Daniel Riley on why he heckled Kier Starmer’s speech. Student heckler says Starmer ‘won’t lift a finger’ to help Gaza – Daniel Riley tells Sky News why he interrupted the prime minister’s keynote speech at the Labour Party conference. Labour conference protester accuses Starmer of 'hypocrisy' over middle east 1:01 Starmer heckler: ‘I was just angry’ A student who heckled Sir Keir Starmer during his speech at the Labour Party conference has told Sky News the prime minister would “not lift a finger” to help the people of Gaza amid the conflict with Israel. Daniel Riley, who is 18 and from Jersey, interrupted Sir Keir’s speech in Liverpool to shout about the “children of Gaza”, before he was bundled out by security. Sir Keir answered his shouts with a jibe, saying: “This guy’s obviously got a pass from the 2019 conference” – the last of the annual events where Jeremy Corbyn was leader. Earlier in his speech, the prime minister urged “restraint and de-escalation at the border between Lebanon and Israel”. He added: “I call again for all parties to pull back from the brink. I call again for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, the return of the hostages and a recommitment to the two-state solution – a recognised Palestinian state alongside a safe and secure Israel.”

Kier Starmer at UN – Russia violating charter. Exploding pagers in Lebanon – terrorist attacks – Russia at UN on Ukraine. American guy ….. talks to Evan Davies. Compare policies of US Democrats and Trump/ RFK. NZ at UN. 2/3 of UN voted for a ceasefire in Gaza. The Actual Electoral Map Is Three States – If the former president wins the East Coast trio of Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Georgia, he will go back to the White House. PHILADELPHIA — There are really only three states that will decide the presidential election: Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Georgia. If Vice President Kamala Harris can’t carry Pennsylvania, her only hope is on a Southern strategy. Harris must win either Georgia or North Carolina. She has no other path to the White House. The election could well be determined when polls close in the eastern time zone. (Well, yes, after the ballots are all counted.) This isn’t to say the other four battlegrounds — Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada and Arizona — aren’t important. If Harris loses Pennsylvania, which her aides acknowledge is a highly challenging state, she’d still need to pick up one of the two Western states as well as one of the two Southern states to win — so long as she carries Michigan and Wisconsin. Yet none of those other four battlegrounds are relevant if Trump first blocks her in Pennsylvania, Georgia and North Carolina. It’s the most obvious route for the former president and a reminder of the advantage the Electoral College can confer on a Republican. Should Trump defeat Harris in Pennsylvania, a state President Joe Biden spent much of his childhood in and still only carried by about 80,000 votes, her hopes then hinge on a pair of slightly right-of-center states Democrats have carried once each in this century: North Carolina (won by Barack Obama in 2008) and Georgia, which lined up with Biden in 2020.

Telegram …..change … story. Matt O’Branain is on Twitter, Instagram, Tik Tok. Telegram will now hand over IP addresses, phone numbers of suspects to cops – Maybe a spell in a French cell changed Durov’s mind In a volte-face, Telegram CEO Pavel Durov announced that the made-in-Russia messaging platform will become a lot less cozy for criminals. “We have updated our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, ensuring they are consistent across the world,” Durov said. “We’ve made it clear that the IP addresses and phone numbers of those who violate our rules can be disclosed to relevant authorities in response to valid legal requests.” A glance at current and past terms and conditions for the service, which offers private and public instant messaging, finds that the original fine print reads, “If Telegram receives a court order that confirms you’re a terror suspect, we may disclose your IP address and phone number to the relevant authorities. So far, this has never happened.” This has now changed to: “If Telegram receives a valid order from the relevant judicial authorities that confirms you’re a suspect in a case involving criminal activities that violate the Telegram Terms of Service, we will perform a legal analysis of the request and may disclose your IP address and phone number to the relevant authorities.” As you can see, a shift from cooperating with terror investigations to criminal probes in general. This is fairly significant as Telegram pretty much billed itself as a haven for those avoiding government surveillance and investigations. It offer a degree of end-to-end encryption for its users – more on that below – and organized its IT infrastructure around the world to effectively resist handing over information about its users to the authorities, which made it a destination for all kinds of netizens, good and bad.

Tony’s paperback and eBooks Traitors Of Arnhem, Siege Of Heaven; Siege Of Heaven Reader – all available for donation, or to buy, via
INTERVIEWS [right click to download]
#1 - Complete 3hr 10min show - [right click to download]
~Full interviews with...
#2 - Dr Richard Ebright Top Biologist on why 'Lab Leak Theory' is FACT - 00:07:00
#3 - Dr John Campbell YouTube Banned peer reviewed paper describes nanostructures in Covid jabs - 00:15:00
#4 - Dr David Hughes Whats In The Covid Vaccines Paper Lincoln Uni Oct24 - 00:55:00
#5 - Daniel Obachike Interview Theo Chalmers Show - 7th July 2005 Bombings - 00:45:00
#6 - Tania Head The 11th September Victims Fake Leader Documentary (2012) - 00:45:00
#7 - Granville Williams Media North editor Al Jazeera Raid and Murdoch Succession - 00:20:00
#8 - Keir Starmers first Labour Party Conference speech as UK PM 2024 - 00:55:00
#9 - Putin nuclear warning to the West over nuclear states fighting Russia via Ukraine - 00:01:00
#10 - UK PM Starmer addresses UN Security Council and UNGA - 00:20:00
#11 - Demorcrats Have Already Lost Key Swing States Over Gaza James Zogby and Green VP pick Butch Ware on BBCPM - 00:07:00
#12 - Jonathan Taplin The End Of Reality techno-determinsim RNZ 25Sep24 how four billionaires are selling us a fantasy - 00:25:00
#13 - New Zealand at UN General Assembly historic two-thirds majority on Gaza ceasfire, Israel apartheid - 00:03:00

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