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Program Information
Sea Change Radio
Weekly Program
Kevin Ortiz
 Sea Change Radio  Contact Contributor
May 1, 2024, midnight
How do you think your life would be different if you had spent your first five years as an adult incarcerated? This week on Sea Change Radio, we speak to Kevin Ortiz, a progressive political activist in San Francisco whose life was very nearly derailed by a run-in with the police when he was 19 years old. We hear Kevin’s story, learn how the nonprofit SF Pretrial helped him out, and get some first-hand insight into a legal system that is tilted against young men of color. Then, we hear an excerpt from our 2022 discussion with San Francisco Public Defender Peter Calloway.

Track: Dikalo
Artist: Manu Dibango
Album: Autoportrait
Label: Une Musique
Year: 1995

Track: God Bless The Child
Artist: Betty Lavette
Album: Change Is Gonna Come Sessions
Label: ANTI-
Year: 1999

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00:29:00 1 May 1, 2024
San Francisco
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