Two from Ardnamurchan, apparently renowned for its whiskey. We also hit the high seas with The Real McKenzies and Barbar O'Rhum. Plus, we catch Toxic Frogs hard at Play Play Play. Join Patricia Fraser for another hour of Canada's best Celtic mix on Celt In A Twist!
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Peatbog Faeries - The Humours Of Ardnamurchan The Scratch - God Slap Vishten - Chalet Groove La Bottine Souriante - Tralala Yoko Pwno - Horace's Toxic Frogs - Play Play Play The Irish Experience - Scatter The Mud Iain Copeland - Neil Ewart Of Ardnamurchan Hannah Sanders & Ben Savage - Reynardine The Real McKenzies - Sloop John B Barbar O'Rhum - Freres de Bitte Phamie Gow - Harpbeats Plantec - Naoned E Breizh